July 22, 2019
PARIS PHOTO provides a unique opportunity to present exceptional works to an appreciative and informed international audience, within the historic setting of the Grand Palais. We will return this November to exhibit, in collaboration with Equinox Gallery from Vancouver, an installation titled URBAN SYNERGY.
Among our highlights will be the first exhibition since 1987 of a complete set of twenty hand-made vintage color prints by Bruce Wrighton from his 1986-1987 series DINOSAURS AND DREAMBOATS, which celebrated 1950's-Detroit automotive design in juxtaposition with American vernacular architecture.
Wrighton's work has been embraced in Europe, including purchases by Museum Folkwang, Essen; Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam; and the Centre Pompidou, Paris. ONLY PHOTOGRAPHY in Berlin exhibited Bruce twice in conjunction with their publication of his two monographs: AT HOME, in 2010; and AT HOME RELOADED, in 2015. Robert Morat Galerie presented Bruce's work in 2011 in Hamburg; and Les Douches la Galerie in Paris presented a highly acclaimed one-person exhibition in 2013.
Cars are nothing new for the Grand Palais, which hosted The Car Show from 1901 to 1961. The Car Show was inseparable from the Grand Palais, and established the building's lasting prominence in innovation and modernity. They may have had their 1901 De Dion-Bouton, but we had our 1950 Studebaker Champion. Ladies and Gentlemen, start your engines.